Washington, D.C.—American Commitment, a national advocacy organization, is launching an online ad campaign aimed at thanking Senator Pat Roberts for his steadfast defense of free speech. President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid supported a Constitutional Amendment last month that would gut the First Amendment and curtail free speech rights. And self-proclaimed “independent” Greg Orman lined up with liberals to crush free speech.
The 30-second ad, titled “Fight for Free Speech,” praises Senator Pat Roberts for his leadership in defending the First Amendment from the Obama Administration’s attacks.
“The systematic targeting of Americans exercising their right to free speech by the Obama Administration and Harry Reid is disgraceful—and Senator Pat Roberts deserves enthusiastic applause for his staunch defense of the First Amendment,” said Phil Kerpen, president of American Commitment. “Senator Roberts has proven himself completely committed to defending the Constitution and free speech rights of all Americans.”
The ad begins with the narrator observing: “Americans cherish freedom of speech. So why did President Obama and Harry Reid try to pass a Constitutional amendment gutting the First Amendment? Greg Orman says he’s independent, but he lined up with liberals to crush free speech…Thankfully Pat Roberts is fighting back.”
The ad continues with Pat Roberts speaking from the Floor of the U.S. Senate: “I am profoundly grateful for the wisdom of the Founders, and proud to stand here today to defend the First Amendment that they gave us.”
The ad concludes by urging constituents to thank Senator Pat Roberts: “Greg Orman would silence dissent. Thank you Pat Roberts. Keep up the fight.”