American Commitment today sent a joint letter of support from a broad coalition of free-market and conservative groups to Senator Ron Johnson, offering enthusiastic support for his Senate Joint Resolution 48 (SJR48) to overturn the IRS exchange rule under the president’s health care law.
If allowed to stand, the IRS rule would surreptitiously rewrite the unsalvageable health care law (which should be repealed) to increase spending hundreds of billions of dollars and impose unauthorized taxes on businesses in states that lawfully opted out.
Moreover, because SJR48 is a resolution under the Congressional Review Act, if just 30 senators listen to the coalition letter and sign a discharge petition, it would provide the only vehicle to force Harry Reid to allow a health care vote before the election. Whether he likes it or not.
You can urge your senators to support this critical effort at The full letter is below.
SJR48 Multiparty Letter