American Commitment joined acoalition of a dozen leading free-market and taxpayer groups today on a letter to Speaker John Boehner urging him not to use drought conditions as an excuse to move forward on the bloated $957 billion FARRM Bill that passed out of the ag committee. The letter says:
We write urging you to resist special interest calls to use the current drought to lock taxpayers into a trillion dollars worth of bad agriculture policy. As you accurately noted recently, passing a new Farm Bill filled with special interest entitlements is not needed to address the drought facing many of our nation’s farmers.
The Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act (FARRM) passed by the House Agriculture Committee is not needed to address the current drought conditions. In fact, nearly 80% of the bill’s $957 billion price tag is not even directed at producers, but on social welfare spending programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
American Commitment is also on the air this week with radio ads opposing the reckless farm bill and is urging citizens nationwide to contact Congress through this form. The full group letter follows.
Joint Letter DearSpeaker 7-24-2012