American Commitmentis leading a growing coalition of national organizations, representing millions of members and supporters, in requesting that President Donald Trump include the proposed Cruz-Daines-Gardner competitiveness chapter, including the REINS Act, in NAFTA renegotiation.
In a letter sent to President Trump, the coalition states: “….we write in appreciation of the remarkable pro-growth deregulatory accomplishments of your administration and to urge you to make those accomplishments permanent by including the competitiveness chapter proposed by Senators Cruz, Daines, and Gardner in the renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)….We specifically urge inclusion in the competitiveness chapter of the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, which would require costly new regulations to be individually approved by Congress before they could take effect.”
“Passing the REINS Act as part of this package is absolutely crucial to cementing the Trump pro-growth legacy,” saidPhil Kerpen,president of American Commitment. “President Trump has already fulfilled so many campaign promises, and he now has a unique opportunity to make good on his promise to sign REINS into law by including it in the NAFTA renegotiation process. This would truly be game changing legislation that would finally stop the worst of regulatory tyranny and permanently fix the regulatory process.”
The full letter is below.