Conservative Group Wins MoveOn/MayDay Video Contest By Massive Landslide in Popular Vote - American Commitment

American Commitment,a national advocacy organization committed to free markets and limited government, easily won the vote in a national video contest organized by liberal groups and—despite organizers changing the competition rules by extending the voting period.
At the end of the competition at 5:00 p.m. ET tonight, Friday, October 17th (based on the revised rules)—American Commitment led all other competitors by wide margins. American Commitment received more than 20 times as many votes as its nearest challenger. And it received more than 4 times as many votes as the rest of the Top 10 competitors combined.
“American Commitment’s victory at the ballot box is a testament to the power and resonance of our video submission amongst those of all political persuasions. Yesterday’s surprise move by organizers to extend voting an extra day and email the vaunted MoveOn list to participate only expanded our lead,” said Phil Kerpen, president of American Commitment. “Our entry about America’s number one fatcat campaign contributor, Tom Steyer, shines a spotlight on him and on the role hypocritical liberal billionaire contributors play in stoking feigned outrage about conservative donors. Americans have overwhelmingly supported our ad with their votes, and the celebrity judges should now respect the democratic process by acknowledging this winning video and putting some of and’s big money behind airing the ad on TV.”
“If and are truly pro-democracy organizations, they should be up in arms about Tom Steyer’s ‘Republican Haircut Programs’ designed explicitly to suppress votes and diminish participation in our democracy,” added Kerpen.
American Commitment’s video submission, titled “America’s Biggest Hypocrite” highlights Tom Steyer’s role in hypocritically funding false political ads that attack conservative donors in order to whip up false outrage, recently revealed in a leaked memo to be a deliberate voter suppression tactic. The ad is an issue ad that does not support or oppose any candidate for public office and is entered in the contest’s Category 1, designated for such issue ads.
American Commitment’s Winning Video:

In an email announcing the competition, had urged applicants to “make a 30-second ad to wake up America to the crisis of big money in our politics.”