While American taxpayers shell out $100 million a year for the Congressional Research Service (CRS) to produce reports on government functionality, Congress doesn’t make it easy for the public to get ahold of these documents.
Of course, these reports are easily available if you are a lobbyist or a DC insider, but the very people who are paying the reports have no simple channel to get ahold of them.
Thankfully, a coalition of conservative groups has signed a demanding Congress makes CRS reports readily attainable to the taxpayer. As the letter states, “making CRS reports easily accessible by the public will increase transparency in government, and allow everyday citizens access to important information that will better educate them on the issues before Congress.”
Public access to these reports will make federal programs more accountable. Taxpayers are paying for the reports, so they should be able to read them.
American Commitment is proud to lead this coalition effort to increase government transparency.
CRS Public Access Letter
Photo Credit: Jake Przespo