Victory? IRS Says Record 150K Comments Make IRS Muzzle Rule Unlikely This Year
In a potentially stunning victory for grassroots activists across the political spectrum, IRS Commissioner John…
Harry Reid Slams the ACLU, NAACP, and Sierra Club
By Phil Kerpen In offering his full-throated support for the shameful IRS 501(c)(4) muzzle rule,…
60 Conservative and Free-Market Groups Support HR3865 to Stop IRS Suppression of Political Speech
A huge coalition of free-market and conservative organizations today endorsed House Ways and Means Committee…
55+ Leading Conservative and Free Market Groups Urge Congress to Stop IRS 501(c)4 Rule in Omnibus
American Commitment today joined a broad coalition urging Congress to include language in the lending…
Citizens United Obsession Motivated Lois Lerner to Shut Out Cincy
When Lois Lerner tried to inoculate herself from scandal by planting a question at a…
New Ad Praises Mitch McConnell for Staunch Defense of Free Speech
American Commitment is launching an online ad campaign today in Kentucky aimed at supporting Senator…
IRS scandal shows importance of privacy protections
Phil Kerpen IRS apologists are furiously trying to change the subject from the outrageous targeting…
The New York Times and the IRS’s False Alibi
The New York Times dedicated over 2,700 words to the IRS scandal in a front-page…
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