GOPers Agree on REINing in Regulators
By Phil Kerpen The very first thing in the U.S. Constitution after the famous “we…
Conservatives Fighting to Increase Government Transparency
While American taxpayers shell out $100 million a year for the Congressional Research Service (CRS)…
A Plebiscite on the Supreme Court
By Phil Kerpen President Obama has shown nothing but contempt for the legislative branch. Now…
Presidential Survey: Who will sign the REINS Act?
The Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act is the most important…
Congress Needs to Fix FDA Vapor Rule
By Phil Kerpen After a lengthy and heavily contested regulatory process, a final rule deeming…
Tesla Tells Tales at the FTC
By Phil Kerpen On January 19 Tesla’s general counsel Todd Maron participated in a panel…
Stop Obama’s Clean Power Grab
By Phil Kerpen In President Obama’s first big speech to Congress, just a month after…
Pollution and the English Language
By Phil Kerpen You wouldn’t know it from all the perpetual doom and gloom in…
Presidential Survey: Who will sign the REINS Act?
The Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act is the most important…
Is Congress up to the job?
ByPhil Kerpen Congress officially writes the laws in the country, but they increasingly pass broad,…
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