Reject a government takeover of consumer lending
By Phil Kerpen Price controls don’t work, cause shortages, and have precipitated economic disaster in…
MAGA Companies Power Trump Stock Boom
By Phil Kerpen President Trump has presided over a booming economy and stock market, and…
Conservative Groups Support the Freedom From Government Competition Act 2020
Conservative Groups Support the Freedom From Government Competition Act 2020
Fed power grab will delay real-time payments
By Phil Kerpen Wouldn’t it be nice not to wait days for checks to clear…
Scalise-Eshoo Modern Television Act could be a rare bipartisan win
By Jon Decker Many would agree that our political climate is more divided than ever…
Coalition to Congress- Defend Workers from Union Coercion.
60+ Groups to Congress- Defend American Workers from Union Coercion and Oppose the PRO Act…
Trump’s American Energy Boom Should Reach Puerto Rico
By Jon Decker This week President Trump took awell-deserved victory lapfor all the work his…
Coalition Opposes Obama-Era Small Dollar Loan Regulations
Our foundation has a public comment letter campaign into the CFPB on this issue.Take action…
CFPB right to reverse Obama crackdown on small dollar loans
Our Foundation has a public comment letter campaign into the CFPB on this issue.Take action…
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