Senator Lamar Alexander is headed to a field hearing in Chattanooga, Tennessee today to once again argue in favor of the electricity price-hiking, job-destroying Utility MACT rule. Alexander is convinced that this economically disastrous rule will somehow benefit public health.
In contrast, four of his medical doctor Senate colleagues — Sens. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and John Boozman (R-Ark.) — wrote a stinging letter to President Obama today highlighting the lack of any health rationale for the Utility MACT rule, and the disastrous health consequences of imposing its economic costs. They said:
As you know, proponents of your EPA’s aggressive agenda claim that regulations that kill jobs and cause electricity prices to skyrocket will somehow be good for the American people. We come to this issue as medical doctors and would like to offer our “second opinion”: EPA’s regulatory regime will devastate communities that rely on affordable energy, children whose parents will lose their jobs, and the poor and elderly on fixed incomes that do not have the funds to pay for higher energy costs. The result for public health will be disastrous in ways not seen since the Great Depression.
(The full letter is below.)
The Senate is scheduled to vote on overturning this disastrous rule on Wednesday. Will your senators side with Obama and Alexander and cause an economic and public health disaster? Weigh in at!
Senate Docs Letter to Obama Jun 18