Yesterday Trump’s Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao announced that California will be required to pay back the federal taxpayer dollars it received for its spectacularly failed high speed rail project.
Click here to thank President Trump and Secretary Elaine Chao for forcing California to pay us back for its high-speed rail boondoggle!
California was granted over $3 billion in federal funds under Obama’s 2009 stimulus package. Nearly a decade later, California still haszerooperating high speed rail lines from Obama’s “shovel ready jobs bill.”
And Governor Gavin Newsom admitted the project is a failure in his State of the State speech, saying: “The project, as currently planned, would cost too much and take too long… there simply isn’t a path to get from Sacramento to San Diego, let alone from San Francisco to L.A. I wish there were.”
Ridiculously, Newsom then went on to say he would upgrade the existing Amtrak line between Merced and Bakersfield – in order to avoid returning the federal grant money.
Now, President Trump and Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao are saying no thanks, and cancelled$929 million of federal taxpayer money, while investigating potentially forcing them to repay an additional $2.5 billion.
Please click NOW to thank President Trump and Secretary Elaine Chao for Holding California Accountable!
This announcement was a HUGE WIN for U.S. taxpayers.And I am proud to say that we led the fight in making this decision happen.
Those of you who follow my Twitter may have seen my public demands that California return the money it wasted after California Governor Gavin Newsom officially canceled its proposed rail project.
We also weighed in privately with our contacts at DOT and the White House.
President Trump soon followed up with a tweet of his own.
With Secretary Chao’s announcement today, the Trump administration has ushered in a new era of accountability when it comes to federal spending.
Let’s thank President Trump and Secretary Chao for doing the right thing, because they are certain to hear from liberals crying and screaming about this. Let’s show them we have their back on this first step and hope they force California to returnallof the federal tax dollars they collected for a train that will never exist.
Thank President Trump and Secretary Elaine Chao for Holding California Accountable!
Thanks for all you do.
President, American Commitment