Gotta catch-22 ’em all!
We told you that reducing the Internet to a public utility would mean calls for…
Coalition Opposes Dept of Ed Backdoor Student Loan Bailout
American Commitment is leading a coalition of 18 national taxpayer organizations, representing millions of members…
Broken regulatory process turns democracy upside-down
By Phil Kerpen Lost in the spectacle of elected Democrats lounging on the floor, yelling,…
American Commitment Supports the Separation of Powers Restoration Act
H.R. 4768, the “Separation of Powers Restoration Act of 2016"
104 Top Conservatives Seek Hearings on Schedule B Donor Confidentiality Violations
104 Top Conservatives Seek Hearings on Schedule B Donor Confidentiality Violations by American Commitment
Reform Ozone Rule to Save Jobs
Reform EPA Ozone to Save Jobs by American Commitment
AC Supports the Preventing IRS Abuse and Protecting Free Speech Act
AC Supports H.R. 5053 Photo Credit: Joshua Doubek
AC Celebrates World IP Day 2016
This April 26th, American Commitment is once again celebrating World IP Day. The theme this…
FCC Commissioner: “Disturbing” Netflix Report Justly Generates Calls for Investigation
When the Obama administration was making its case for crippling new Internet regulations, their biggest…
Bill Would Give Congress More Power over the Purse
Today, American Commitment joined with other conservative organizations in voicing support for the Unauthorized Spending…
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