Trial Lawyers Hijack House Privacy Bill
by Phil Kerpen With a confusing patchwork of state data privacy laws becoming a growing…
Broadband Infrastructure Success vs. Government Failure
by Phil Kerpen Broadband has been America’s greatest infrastructure success story – modern, reliable, and…
Thank Trump and Pai for the Internet during lockdown
By Phil Kerpen Not even a global pandemic can keep us from another battle in…
American Commitment supports Pai 5.9GHz proposal
American Commitment, which has long advocated opening the 5.9GHz band for unlicensed use, strongly supports…
Transparency for Big Tech
By Phil Kerpen A new Wall Street Journal expose finding that “Google has increasingly re-engineered…
FCC needs to limit locals piling taxes and fees onto cable bills
By Phil Kerpen If you “cut the cord” and switch from cable TV to streaming…
Democrat net neutrality plan is really about raising taxes
By Phil Kerpen The 2015 Obama FCC order reducing the Internet to a regulated public…
Democrats exploit McCain absence for stunt vote on Obama Internet regulations
By Phil Kerpen Rather than waiting until summer as originally expected, Democrats now say that…
FCC should open up faster, better Wi-Fi
By Phil Kerpen Last year the Department of Transportation (DOT) sensibly delayed a held-over Obama…
The Net Neutrality Noise Machine Turns Violent
By Phil Kerpen The perpetual outrage mob on the left has adopted an unlikely target…
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