Coalition Opposes Woke 401(k) Rule
Coalition Opposes Woke 401(k) Rule by Jon Decker on Scribd Photo Credit:
Biden’s New Student Loan Bailout Scheme Is Even Worse
By Phil Kerpen President Joe Biden isn’t waiting for the Supreme Court to decide on…
More Debt Without Spending Reform Is Dirty
By Phil Kerpen Before Republicans agreed to elect Kevin McCarthy Speaker of the U.S. House…
Coalition: Disband the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis
Climate Crisis Select Committee Coalition Letter by Jon Decker on Scribd Photo Credit: Senate Democrats
American Commitment files Amicus Brief in OH v. EPA
American Commitment files Amicus Brief in OH v. EPA by Jon Decker on Scribd
Coalition Opposes Anti-Competitive “Credit Card Competition Act”
Coalition Letter Opposing CCCA Amendment to NDAA by Jon Decker on Scribd Photo Credit: Sean…
Congress Should Stop Terrestrial Radio’s Free Ride at the Expense of Music Artists
Sometimes it seems like the only legislation that gets prioritized in Washington are bills that…
Oklahoma and Missouri Can and Must Stop Biden Student Loan Bailout
By Phil Kerpen Can the president spend an estimated $500 billion to $1 trillion without…
Trial Lawyers Hijack House Privacy Bill
by Phil Kerpen With a confusing patchwork of state data privacy laws becoming a growing…
Democrats Want to Raid Medicare to Pay for Obamacare – Again
By Phil Kerpen There were a lot of ingredients in the 2010 Republican electoral landslide,…
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